
To understand this - please - read my earlier thread:  "Target AJAX like 
support - User Interface Thread".

This thread discusses the "command ideas".
The user interface part is in the earlier thread.

What ever we do - we need to come up with a Nifty Protocol name for this 
part, some name that is utterly silly or socially offensive.



I will repeat my self, this point is UTTERLY important that we get this 
API correct - otherwise we will screw this feature up big time.
I cannot recommend this GOOGLE TECH TALK - enough


The tiny server supports
    HTTP post, and HTTP GET, those are probably enough for our purposes.
    Lets assume those 2 methods are plenty.


Today, we have a TCL command server.  That can continue easily enough.

But I want to verify that this is *STILL* a good solution.
    I cannot judge from the stand point of AJAX,  FLASH, and JAVA, which 
is better.

To what degree can they open a socket and talk to it? is this utterly easy?
Or is the answer something else:   "They can, but it is painful, it is 
easier if we do some type of "XHTML" requests instead?

My understanding of AJAX comes from this:

Let us assume the server *CANNOT* easily respond with XML..
Can we choose another format that is simple and easy to parse?

Most if not all commands need to return data in some "name/value" type 
format that is extendable and easy to parse.
I am ignoring the transport scheme, pending resolution of the above).

Using the "version number request" - (below) as an example, the element 
names (or tag-names) might be:

    protocol-version:   123
    svn-version: 456
    sign-on-string: "The fancy new openocd version 1.2.3 built by 
du...@borgcube on 2009.06.03"

XML is another idea. JSON is another.  Simple ASCII text, as shown above 
is also very simple, in effect, the reply data component looks like 
http-headers (on purpose).

I cannot judge how easy it is for any of these common web-script 
languages do the majic they do. I would like input from others about this.

Minimal Commands:

(a)   What version are you

    Reply is multi-part
          (1) the protocol version number
          (2) the SVN version number
          (3) the sign on string OpenOCD gives @ startup.

(b)  What are the list of targets.

    Reply is the list of names supplied to 'target create'

(c)  What are the list of taps?

    Reply is the list of names supplied to 'jtag newtap'

(d)  There should be *NO* concept of "active tap", nor "active target"

   In all cases, all command should *require* a specific target or tap 
name be specified

(d)  For any target, or tap, or board

   A means to get *details* about the target or tap, or board
   Using the TAPNAME, the TARGETNAME, or ?something? as a key.

   In general, this "details" request should be redirected to a *static* 
pre configured
   file, perhaps a *JSON* file, for example, the request URL might be:


   (See the 'static meta-data files' in my earlier thread).

(e) The ability to read the value of some TCL variables.

    For example, assume I have a TARGET name in my Javascript.
    That target name might be:   "at91sam9260.cpu"

    Return the "details" file for this target. [see above]

(f) The ability to read/write memory

     In effect, where one can specify the *width* of the access.

     And target_write_memory().

(g) CPU Registers  (specifically GDB registers)

    The ability to get the *NAMES* of the CPU registers.
        This might come from a "cpu-reg-names.json" file.

    The ability to *read* and *write* those registers.

    I'd hope this would use a common viewer sheme.

(h) The ability to read "special cpu registers"

    For example ARM "cp15" - is not a GDB register.

    These might be a *special-register-viewer* file.
It is late, that is the idea I've had in mind for +1 year
And is probably good "food for thought" for now.


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