On Sun, 2009-05-31 at 16:37 -0700, Zach Welch wrote:
> Hi all,
> The following things nagged at me when I did the target_type clean-up:
> 1) Remove redundant structure typedefs:
>   a) Entails the following steps (for each named struct "type"):
>         i) s/^typedef struct type_s/struct type_s/
>        ii) s/^} type_t;/};/
>       iii) s/type_t/struct type_s/
>        iv) Fix any messes that these commands miss or make. ;)
>   b) Eliminates what are essentially duplicated symbols:
>     - simplifies the Doxygen documentation tremendously.
>     - eliminates style ambiguity and forward referencing.

Attached is a quick attempt at a patch for the C Style Guide to add a
section for "Structure Guidelines", covering the above ideas.



Index: doc/manual/style.txt
--- doc/manual/style.txt        (revision 1971)
+++ doc/manual/style.txt        (working copy)
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
 - most identifiers must use lower-case letters (and digits) only.
   - macros must use upper-case letters (and digits) only.
   - OpenOCD identifiers should NEVER use @c MixedCaps.
-- structure names must end with the '_s' suffix.
 - typedef names must end with the '_t' suffix.
 - use underline characters between consecutive words in identifiers
   (e.g. @c more_than_one_word).
@@ -80,6 +79,27 @@
 - variables declarations may be mixed with code
 - new block scopes for selection and iteration statements
+...@section stylestruct Structure Guidelines
+Structures should be defined using the guidelines in this section.
+- Declare structures like the following example:
+ * Description of the reason for needing foo.
+ */
+struct foo {
+       int bar;
+  - Always refer to this as <code>struct foo</code>.
+    - Do @b not declare a @c typedef equivalent to the structure.
+  - Always refer to pointers as <code>struct foo *</code>.
+    - Do @b not declare a @c typedef for a pointer to the structure.
+- Structure names should be simple, without any suffix:
+  - All references to these names @a must be prefixed by @c struct,
+  - Any suffix (e.g. @c _s) appears redundant and should be removed.
 @section stylefunc Functions
 - static inline functions should be prefered over macros:

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