Who maintains these OpenOCD files?

The c01.cfg and c02.cfg files differ only in the PID:

        interface ft2232
        ft2232_layout jtagkey
        ft2232_device_desc "USB-A9260 A"
        ft2232_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6010
        script interface/calao-usb-a9260.cfg
        script target/at91sam9260minimal.cfg

        * BUG:  shouldn't include a "target" file or a second interface.

        * BUG:  no such file "at91sam9260minimal.cfg"...

That "interface" file is buggy too:

        jtag_speed 1200 0
        jtag_nsrst_delay 200
        jtag_ntrst_delay 200

        * BUG:  doesn't define an interface

        * BUG:  extra argument to jtag_speed

I'm guessing these are the "usb key" type products, so these
would better be moved to board/* with the non-"interface"
code directly incorporated ... and the jtag_speed thing fixed.
(Perhaps after the upcoming move of all the config files to
a new spot in the source tree.)

[ I've CC'd the Calao Systems "tech support" email, in hopes that
maybe they'll update these two ... and maybe even contribute configs
for their other boards which integrate ft2232-based JTAG, before the
release process starts tightening down next month. ]

- Dave
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