Common people So much soul searching about a oneliner in jtag.c .
Setting the current tap state with cmd_queue_cur_state = TAP_RESET is an obvious error as 5 minutes of code inspection in jtag.c will show you. The variable is not used in any dr/ir scan code, It is only used in jtag_add_path_move to find the start state, and for sanity check in jtag_add_clocks. It will be overwritten by the next call to jtag_prelude by any ir/dr scan, and all driver code uses tap_get_state() instead. Actually ALL uses of cmd_queue_cur_state should be retired and replaced by correct accessor function tap_get_state(), as it is now we have two variables tracing the current tap state, cmd_queue_cur_state and state_follower. I am not saying that nothing will change from this, it most probably will, but the old code is broken and perhaps it is time to fix it. Have a nice weekend Magnus _______________________________________________ Openocd-development mailing list