+++ Wookey [2009-05-19 12:29 +0100]:
> As described on
> http://www.balloonboard.org/balloonwiki/Balloon3OpenOCD I have working
> configs for use with the balloon board and Olimex and Amontec JTAG
> dongles. I won't copy them all into this message - look at that page
> for the detailed file contents.
> Putting this config into openOCD itself as board support seems
> sensible. However there about a million ways of setting out these
> config files, and proper paramerisation and having info reside at the
> right levels is tricky. I partly adressed this in my pxa.cfg patch
> mail (where should the reset config and CPUTAPID live), but here are
> some other queries that arise.

This message didn't generate quite as much discussion as I was hoping
for. I guess it may have got lost in the impressive stream of
mail/actvity on this list. 

The echo/message thing is mostly dealt with (thanx for checking in the
doc patch, zach)

The 'noise from port defaults' I suppose needs someone to actually do
something about it. I sugest changing it so it's not a warning; the
defaults are used automatically. I think the message to that effect
should only appear at debug level 1, but maybe other disagree and it
should report ports used every time?

No-one has covered point 3: the " A" on the end issue.
or point 4) whinges about scan values and masks.

And no-one has said anything about the important issue I wanted to get
some feedback on: how best to split up config files. Perhaps I should just
send in a patch and see what people have to say about it?

I'll leave the rest of the message in for reference/ease of reply.

> I have top-level files for a port/dongle/interface-cabling/board
> combination like this:
> balloon3-cpu-olimex.cfg  (olimex dongle, pxa jtag port, full init)
> balloon3-cpld-olimex.cfg (olimex dongle, cpld jtag port, xsvf-only init)
> and then script files for uploading code:
> loadloon.cfg  (load bootloader and kernel/initrd into NOR)
> loadfpga.cfg  (load FPGA image into NOR)
> loadcpld.cfg  (just play xsvf file)
> The top-level files refer to:
> base.cfg
> <dongle>.cfg (should be stock from openOCD)
> pxa270.cfg (should be stock from openOCD, but currently isn't)
> then specify 
> * a reset config
> * a NOR flash device
> * initialisation of chain ready for programming
> Things are complicated because we have build flavours with FPGA and
> CPLD, and various dongle/interface arrangements to the CPU and
> CPLD/FPGA which sometimes chain the JTAG ports and sometimes don't.
> This seems to leave a choice between an awful lot of top-level files
> (one for each combo of dongle/chaining) or loads of tiny little files
> and a lot of knowledge required to know which set to select. I have
> tried to find a happy medium here, and offer these files for
> inclusion, but some of this stuff has wider implications for board
> files in general I suspect so am happy to take suggestions about how
> best to do this.
> I also have some questions about how things currently work.

[1) done]

> 2) base.cfg just specifies the default port info:
> -----
> telnet_port 4444
> gdb_port 3333
> tcl_port 6666
> -----
> But if I don't put this in I get warning messages about how these are
> "not specified- using defaults". Is that really necessary? Shouldn't it
> just quietly use the defaults and save us all having to specify these
> in thousands of config files? If not then having this 'base.cfg' for
> such default info might be a good idea generally?
> 3) What's with the 'A' on the end of all the USB ft2232_device_desc
> names?
> Originally I had to change the Olimex.cfg file to a) have the correct
> vip_pid numbers (now correct in svn) and b) remove the A, so it
> worked. Now it seems that leaving the A in can work because OpenOCD
> strings it off and tries without it, but it still seems confusing.
> Shouldn't the config file not have this info and it gets added on and
> checked for in the strange Windows case where apparently it is needed?
> 4) When running correctly I get a lot of grumbling which I don't
> understand how to fix:
> tap creation outputs:
> -----
> Info : JTAG tap: pxa270.cpu tap/device found: 0x49265013 (Manufacturer: 
> 0x009, Part: 0x9265, Version: 0x4)
> Info : JTAG Tap/device matched
> -----
> so that's OK, but then 'reset halt' gives:
> ---------
> Info : JTAG tap: pxa270.cpu tap/device found: 0x49265013 (Manufacturer: 
> 0x009, Part: 0x9265, Version: 0x4)
> Info : JTAG Tap/device matched
> Warn : TAP pxa270.cpu:
> Warn : value captured during scan didn't pass the requested check:
> Warn : captured: 0x00 check_value: 0x02 check_mask: 0x07
> Warn : in_handler: w/o "in_value", mismatch in SDR
> Error: JTAG error while writing DCSR
> Warn : TAP pxa270.cpu:
> Warn : value captured during scan didn't pass the requested check:
> Warn : captured: 0x00 check_value: 0x01 check_mask: 0x7F
> Warn : in_handler: w/o "in_value", mismatch in SIR
> target state: halted
> target halted in ARM state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor
> cpsr: 0x580000d3 pc: 0x00000000
> MMU: disabled, D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: disabled
> (processor reset)
> ------------
> What are the 'requested checks' referred-to? What should I specify
> where to stop it whinging? 
> erm. There is probably more but that'll do for now :-)
> I hope this stuff is useful.
> Wookey
> -- 
> Principal hats:  iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian
> http://wookware.org/
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