I found the svf_check_tdo has been modified in the SVN HEAD.
Can you check it on your target?
Attachment is my patch to use buf_cmp_mask when compare data, please check it 

A problem in svf.c and xsvf.c:
xsvf.c: In function `handle_xsvf_command':
xsvf.c:1025: warning: long int format, different type arg (arg 4)
svf.c: In function `handle_svf_command':
svf.c:333: warning: int format, different type arg (arg 3)
They should be the same problem.


Best Regards, Simon Qian

SimonQian( ----

发件人: SimonQian 
发送时间: 2009-05-21  20:57:02 
收件人: Rick Altherr 
抄送: 'openocd-development' 
主题: Re: [Openocd-development] SVF patch according to Johann's test 
I'll check it out this week.


Best Regards, Simon Qian

SimonQian( ----

发件人: Rick Altherr 
发送时间: 2009-05-21  13:32:22 
收件人: SimonQian 
抄送: 'openocd-development' 
主题: Re: [Openocd-development] SVF patch according to Johann's test 
This doesn't seem to be applied to trunk, nor does it apply cleanly.  Is there 
an updated version available?


On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:11 AM, SimonQian wrote:

So the patch in this mail is enough.
It fix only the svf_check_tdo function.


Best Regards, Simon Qian

SimonQian( ----

发件人: Spencer Oliver
发送时间: 2009-04-03  20:41:39
收件人: 'SimonQian'; 'openocd-development'
主题: Re: [Openocd-development] SVF patch according to Johann's test

> Fix:
> 1. As Johann suggested, max line width is 80 characters, 
> according to GNU coding standard.
This is not a requirement of openocd
Theses are the openocd coding rules, they were part of the old readme but
need adding to the texi:
This is from the old readme - needs adding to the docs again
5. Coding Style
The following rules try to describe formatting and naming conventions that
should be followed to make the whole OpenOCD code look more consistent.
The ultimate goal of coding style should be readability, and these rules may
be ignored for a particular (small) piece of code if that makes it more
Formatting rules:
- remove any trailing white space
- use TAB characters for indentation, not spaces
- displayed TAB width is 4 characters
- make sure NOT to use DOS '\r\n' line feeds
- do not add more than 2 empty lines to source files
- do not add trailing empty lines to source files
- do not use C++ style comments (//)
- lines may be reasonably wide - there's no anachronistic 80 characters
Naming rules:
- identifiers use lower-case letters only
- identifiers consisting of multiple words use underline characters between
consecutive words
- macros use upper-case letters only
- structure names shall be appended with '_s'
- typedefs shall be appended with '_t'
Function calls:
- function calls have no space between the functions name and the parameter
list: my_func(param1, param2, ...)
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Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with 
 -- Unsigned

Attachment: svf.diff
Description: Binary data

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