Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> You have to create the target before the init command.
> One could talk about allowing targets to be created/deleted
> on the fly, but OpenOCD isn't at that stage today.
> This works:
> openocd -s lib/openocd/ -f interface/dummy.cfg -f target/omap3530.cfg
> -c "target create omap3.cpu cortex_m3 -endian little -chain-position
> omap3.cpu"  -c init -c "ocd_mem2array dataval 32 [expr \"0x54011000 +
> 0 * 4\"] 1"
> Move init and it fails:
> openocd -s lib/openocd/ -f interface/dummy.cfg -f target/omap3530.cfg
> -c init -c "target create omap3.cpu cortex_m3 -endian little
> -chain-position omap3.cpu"  -c "ocd_mem2array dataval 32 [expr
> \"0x54011000 + 0 * 4\"] 1"

Hmm, ok, on the command line this seems to be the difference.

Any idea what might be different doing it at (telnet) command prompt:

-- cut --
openocd -s lib/openocd/ -f interface/dummy.cfg -f target/omap3530.cfg

Open On-Chip Debugger
 > targets
     CmdName    Type       Endian     AbsChainPos Name          State
--  ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------
 > init
 > target create omap3.cpu cortex_m3 -endian little -chain-position 
 > targets
     CmdName    Type       Endian     AbsChainPos Name          State
--  ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------
  0: omap3.cpu  cortex_m3  little              0      omap3.cpu unknown
 > ocd_mem2array dataval 32 [expr \"0x54011000 + 0 * 4\"] 1
invalid command name "ocd_mem2array_dataval"
called at file "command.c", line 453
called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 89
called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 93
-- cut --


-- cut --
openocd -s lib/openocd/ -f interface/dummy.cfg -f target/omap3530.cfg

Open On-Chip Debugger
 > targets
     CmdName    Type       Endian     AbsChainPos Name          State
--  ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------
 > target create omap3.cpu cortex_m3 -endian little -chain-position 
 > targets
     CmdName    Type       Endian     AbsChainPos Name          State
--  ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------
  0: omap3.cpu  cortex_m3  little              0      omap3.cpu unknown
 > init
 > ocd_mem2array dataval 32 [expr \"0x54011000 + 0 * 4\"] 1
invalid command name "ocd_mem2array_dataval"
called at file "command.c", line 453
called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 89
called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 93
-- cut --

? Independent of init and target create order, both give the same 
result: Failing ocd_mem2array.

Best regards


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