
I have tried to build SVN1676 using MinGW/msys and it failed during
compilation of jim.c because of a already declared environment. Also
checking for "environ in stdlib.h" at least keeps the build-process
running here, a patch is attached.

Please allow me a not so small side-note from an "end-user"
point-of-view triggered by the latest discussions on this mailing list
and non related to the topic of this e-mail and also not related to the
technical background which caused these discussions;

First of all: thanks for improving and extending OpenOCD.

Yesterday a tried to flash/debug a LPC2148 (SVN1651, Win32 binary built
with MinGW, Host WinXP, JTAGkey, Olimex LPC-P2148). I'm used to read and
try a lot when using a new OpenOCD version but for the first time I have
seen OpenOCD crash completely several times. Maybe just caused by my
modification in configure.in but I don't know yet. I planned to create
a  step-by-step  list how to reproduce the issue with a log-file and
send it to this list but the latest discussions made me insecure. Should
I wait until things have been settled and try with a later SVN version?
Should I use the latest SVN version and try again even if it's under
heavy development? If I go back to SVN version xxxx/Release 0.1 and try
again, will someone be interested if the report is for an older version?

Anyway - is it of any worth for the project/the maintainers if an
end-user like me keeps track with trunk for tests it and send feedback?
If the developers/maintainers expect that people from outside the "inner
circle" do some tests and give feedback the "trunk" should always be in
some kind of working state with no known "show-stoppers".  The
documentation/target-library-files should provide just enough
information/templates that binaries made from trunk can be tested by
someone without in-depth knowledge of the source-code who does not not
read every message in the list.

I'd like to suggest that branches should be created for major
modifications that need some development-time and integrate them into
trunk once thinks have been settled and tested a little bit. Cortex-M3
support (and XScale too IRC) has been developed like this and I
personally found that this has been a good approach.

Martin Thomas

--- configure.in_1676   Fri May  8 17:37:39 2009
+++ configure.in        Fri May  8 18:10:19 2009
@@ -788,11 +788,12 @@
-# Look for environ alternatives.  Possibility #1: is environ in unistd.h?
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for environ in unistd.h])
+# Look for environ alternatives.  Possibility #1: is environ in unistd.h or 
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for environ in unistd.h and stdlib.h])
 #define _GNU_SOURCE
 #include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 int main(int argc, char **argv) { char **ep = environ; }
   ], [
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