I have never understood open source projects bending over to compile 
with MSVC, when a free compiler is available.  What is the impediment to 
a programmer, who limits themselves to windows, installing GCC and using 
that.  Even if they use MSVC for other things?

Is the typical embedded project that OpenOCD might be used on, being 
built with anything but GCC, and debuged with GDB?  If you are going to 
buy commercial embedded target compilers and debuggers, you are going to 
buy commercial OCD tools that go with those compilers and debuggers, I 
would think.

If so, then the windows hosted developer would already have an embedded 
target version of GCC/GDB on their windows box. Requiring them to have a 
host version of GCC for building OpenOCD, doesn't seem like a big deal 
in this case. 

I would have this view regardless of how complete a C99 implementation 
MSVC had or didn't have.

That said, I don't like C99, because of the issues it introduces with 
regard to strict aliasing.  I still don't understand why the language 
specification cares about making life easy for an optimiser more than it 
cares about the correctness of the code and the directions of the 
programmer (regardless of how portable the resulting code may be).

But that said, if those issues don't effect this project, it isn't a 
problem.  For embedded software I always end up using pointer casts to 
make certain algorithms more efficient, invariably I run afoul of strict 
aliasing checks.  So I manually turn this "feature" off with 


Dick Hollenbeck wrote:
>> Sorry I have lost most of my enthusiasm, but I don't understand your 
>> problem probably.  Please explain if you can.
>> Dick
> A candid analysis would paint me extremely resentful for having to do 
> anything to support Microsoft in any way.  If they cannot keep up, there 
> stupid C compiler should be left behind.
> Dick
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