Magnus Lundin wrote:
>> It would be nice to get some comments on the 8 bit sequence for entering
>> I think the reasoning needs to be documented, else we go back to 7 bits?
> Agree, or even use shortest path, I think the state transitions should be
> shortest path. 

Ok, agreed.  I will give each entry a close look with this goal of 
shortest path in mind. 

Any problems with using five 1s bits for *all* paths to RESET?  Or 
should we use shortest paths there also in that first column?

I honestly did not look over each entry before submitting the patch, and 
was just submitting what Jeff submitted on 3/30. 

> If a specific driver needs to use a certain path length or
> issue more than on transition in reset then it easy to pad with extre
> transition within the stable state. We have the bitcounts.
Well yes, if I understand you correctly, they can do a test like this to 
override what the API returns:

if( get_tap_state()==<blah_start>  && <needed_end_state> == <blah_end> )
    bit_count = <>;
    pad the bits here.
    bit_count = tap_get_tms_path_len( <blah_start>, <blah_end> );


> Magnus

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