Duane Ellis wrote:
> Dick Hollenbeck wrote:
>> Duane,
>> This is the 3rd time now I am mentioning my need to get after the 
>> ft2232.c driver code, starting Monday.   I am happy to start from 
>> your starting point or from HEAD, but once I start, I won't be 
>> changing the road traveled.
> Dick,
> please take that HEAD road, with my complete blessing.
> I believe I have been a distraction :-( sorry.
> The flurry of activity in the last few days/week has removed, or 
> mooted much of my work.
> It has been how many emails this week? 300+?, we go for days on this 
> list at times with nothing -then- *WHAMO* - the flood gates open [I 
> hear some guy named Noah hammering on a boat].
> I sadly have little time to catch up, and have been busy with 
> overflowing (day-job) activities. I also must travel this weekend, and 
> a good part of next week.
>    What Jeff Williams did is basically a new state transition table, 
> that is  not a 7 clock table, but an N clock table.
>    For all drivers - except - the ft2232 - it is a trivial change.
> I really think a fresh pair of eyes will see things in a better light.
>   -Duane.

Thanks for responding.  I started today.


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