On Mar 28, 2009, at 2:14 PM, Duane Ellis wrote:

Jeff Williams wrote:
Yeah, it would be good if someone could help nail what's wrong with
ARM11 here.  I looked at Alan's debug logs, and I'm just not able to
figure it out without actually running the part. ARM7 and ARM9 appear
to work.  Sergey, are you able to help us with this?   Did you get a
JLink yet?  BTW: This is the _yellow_ v6.0 JLink that I'm using.


If you remember the email from Peter Denison (3/13/2009). he pointed out

There are also adapters (at least one - USBprog) that rely on the
fact that
there are exactly 7 state transitions in every tms sequence. This is
immutable, but it will need coordination and will have to change if
OpenOCD does.

Perhaps this "7" is coded in to everything :-( and that is where the
problem lies.

For example - look at jtag/bitbang.c: - line 91 - function:
[old fashion 'bit-bang' interface]
It assumes that - there are exactly 7 clocks per transition.

And - jtag/ft2232.c - line 560, another assumption about 7 clocks.
(Which is what Alan [arm11 issues] has)


Openocd-development mailing list

I'm all for breaking those assumptions and fixing the code.

Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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