On Mar 11, 2009, at 1:28 AM, Petri Pirttinen wrote:

Unfortunately OOCD mocks me about 'invalid command name
"target_script_0"'. I just don't understand why, the same problem occurs
with e.g. 'flash probe' etc.

I'm probably missing something there but can't figure out what it is. If
I leave out the target_script 0 and shutdown, I can connect the OOCD
with GDB and start debugging without any problem at all (though for now,
only a tiny project tested so far).

target_script was removed in favor of using events. There is an appendix in the manual that explains how to convert to the new syntax.

Thanks for pointing it out, not sure why did I miss this one with the target_script. But unfortunately I still do get errors like: invalid command name "flash_probe". Same goes for e.g. flash info but flash bank seems to work just fine for me.

I must be missing something big time...


I believe flash_probe was changed as well. Again, refer to the appendix in the manual for how to convert.

Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
-- Unsigned

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