On Mar 10, 2009, at 3:34 PM, Freddie Chopin wrote:

i have two issues

1. in the times of 0.1.0 (around r1300) i was able to build the code
'not in the source tree'. i downloaded the HEAD, made some dir inside,
and was able to do:
../configure .......

now - in r1406 - i can't do that. when i try i get:

$ ../bootstrap
aclocal: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required

This implies that configure.in is missing. bootstrap needs to be run in the main source directory even if you plan to build out of tree. bootstrap just builds configure which is typically part of the release process and not done by end users. Once you've run bootstrap, configure can be run out of tree.

$ ../configure .............
sh: ../configure: No such file or directory

Right.  configure wasn't generated by bootstrap.

the exact same commands worked fine earlier. i'm not a linux guy, so
maybe i'm missing something, but the situation was exactly the same
then, and commands worked fine - i was able to compile the code to some
other dir

2. when i compile the HEAD with MinGW + MSYS, SVN Revision of the
executable is unknown:

Open On-Chip Debugger 1.0 (2009-03-10-22:12) svn:unknown

if i recall everything right, this was a problem some time ago, but
there was a fix made. apparently it does not work with MinGW or - again
- I'm doing something wrong [;

This should have been fixed. How did you get this to build given the above problems? Did you build in-tree?

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Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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