On Mar 5, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Duane Ellis wrote:

Pieter Conradie wrote> [many rules for config names]

+Rule 1: [no spaces, use underlines]
Agreed. I would add *all* non-ascii problematic chars become underline
too, or are removed.
ie: What about a name like: "O'Conner Chips Are Us"

Technically subversion can handle UTF-8 (trivial fact: SVN _cannot_ handle a CTRL-M in a file name). That said, I have less confidence that the OSes can handle it.

+Rule 3: The name used must be as close as possible to the original name given by
+the manufacturer, including capitalization.

NO.  Strongly disagree. All files, lower case. Period, Simple rule,
filenames get mangled, names get munged, and by the time things go from
system to system (win32/mac/linux) one f-ing letter wrong, and you are
hosed. A simple rule of "all lower case" is easier to enforce.

Agreed.  Lowercase makes life simpler.

Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
-- Unsigned

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