dirk> Why is irscan implemented as handle_irscan_command(), but drscan as
dirk> Jim_Command_drscan()? What is the difference between
dirk> handle_xx_command and Jim_command_xx?

Historically - OpenOCD did not have a script language other then a 
simplistic series of commands, ie: No "IF" statements, no subroutines, 
no nothing. "JIM-TCL was adopted as a replacement/enhancements, because 
it was a very simplistic thing, and it could "mix well" with the 
existing command structure. Many new commands have been added, updated, 
modified, changed over time and are actually implemented via TCL.  Not 
everything was changed, lots of this happened spring/summer 2008.

OLD:  handle_xx_command()
NEW: Jim_Command_xxx()

The idea was: New commands should generally be implemented using TCL, so 
that they are "script friendly".


I'm sorry I've not been following much lately - been very very busy with 
daytime activities.

Do you know what you needed to what command? Perhaps - I can answer some 
"how to questions" for TCL


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