On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Laurent Gauch
<laurent.ga...@amontec.com> wrote:
>> >/ Maybe the check should be put back anyway, even when we know that
>> />/ it takes 7 or less steps in case someone changes the code later.
>> />/
>> />/
>> /No doubt that check is needed, or
>> a function rewrite which changes tms to bit a bit vector, and then
>> "bits" (which BTW should be called bitcount to make it clear this
>> parameter is not the bit vector) can be any number and then the
>> function could be used to send the tap machine on an arbitrary nearly
>> endless journey, including looping.
>> As written, it is a mine field.
>> Since I am a dummy, I have experience with "APIs for Dummys".
>> Dick
> Actually, you have all functions in OpenOCD JTAG layer to do any TAP
> State transition.
> Just adjust _end_state before sending new _scan.
> end_state should only be STABLE states as : IDLE RESET DRPAUSE IRPAUSE.
> DO NOT add any _tms functions. Why ? Because it is a bit dangerous to
> let user calling the JTAG HAL with their own _tms.
> If you let users going in UNSTABLE states, we will have a lot of new
> troubles in OpenOCD.
> As I tell you before, there are enough functions for passing from DRSCAN
> to a new DRSCAN without passing in IDLE state:
> fix _end_state to DRPAUSE
> add your _scan
> add _state_move to DRPAUSE
> fix _end_state to IDLE
> add your new _scan
> Before adding new functions to JTAG HAL, please make sure to understand
> the actual ones !

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