Yes, this should be changed. I mentioned this way back when. The layout for the OS X d2xx library is similar to the linux layout but is contained in a dmg rather than a tar.gz. The enable options for d2xx should be consolidated into a single option that detects the layout (windows vs linux vs OS X) and does the right thing. The end user shouldn't need to know that there is a difference.

I won't have time to work on this this week, but possibly next week.


On Feb 17, 2009, at 8:42 PM, Rob Barris wrote:

on the SparkFun OpenOCD board

Should we change this somehow ?



Came across this thread and it helped me... but with the latest release of openocd (release "1.0"), if you try to configure with d2xx drivers on OS-X, it will
say something like:

error: The (linux) ftd2xx library from is linux only. Try --enable-ft2232-libftdi instead

However the d2xx drivers do seem to still work... just hack the configure/ file so that it assumes that your version of
OS-X is ok.

Look for something like:

# Cause FTDICHIP does not supply a MAC-OS version
if test $host_os != linux-gnu && test $host_os != linux; then

and change to (inserting your OS-X version):

if test $host_os != linux-gnu && test $host_os != linux && test $host_os != darwin9.6.0; then

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Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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