On Tuesday 17 February 2009 14:34:02 Holger Schurig wrote:
> jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME cpu \
>    -irlen 5 \
>    -ircapture 0x1 \
>    -irmask 0xf \
>    -expected-id $_CPUTAPID

I found the bsdl file: http://www.avr32.ru/AP7000.bsdl

In this file I find "attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of AP7000: 
entity is 5;", so I guess I should use "-irlen 5".

However, the openocd.pdf file is confusing while 
describing -ircapture and -irmask.

Is -ircapture the JTAG opcode for the IDCODE command?  Then 0x01 
would be correct. However, openocd.pdf says "the ID code capture 
command". Not sure what this means.

The same for "-irmask". openocd.pdf says "the corresponding mask 
for the ir register". That's quite elaborate. A mask for what? 
For what will it be used?  Is it a mask for the result of the 
IDCODE command?  Then probably it will used to mask away silicon 
version, right?

The next thing that puzzles me is the boundary len. The BSDL file 
says "attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of AP7000: entity is 388", but I 
don't really know where to specify this.
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