On Feb 2, 2009, at 7:42 AM, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:

Rick Altherr wrote:
I'm not trying to be picky, but this particular patch is hard to read. It looks like a bunch of formatting changes were made (probably via your uncrustify script that I plan to commit soon) in addition to the cable driver helper API. Would it be possible to split those into 2 patches? As it stands, I can't find where you've changed things for the cable driver helper API in this patch.



This would be typical:

-    cur_state = end_state;
+    tap_set_state(tap_get_end_state());

I uncrustified/beautified only two files, the jtag.h file and the ft2232.c file as I recall. Then I added my changes. Because of that sequence of operations, and because I have no intermediate snap shots, I don't see that I can give you an intermediate snap shot.

Several of the files that were changed had trailing whitespace and maybe even a problem with newlines. My text editor will automatically remove trailing whitespace. That trailing whitespace change can lead to larger patch files. You might check the repository and verify that all source files are svn-eol-style set to native. Some of the newer commits may not be.

Here is another way to get a picture of the changes:
Sync first with the repository (optionally use a temporary working copy), then add the patch to your repository locally, and then grep for these new functions:


These are all implemented at the bottom of jtag.c, but documented near the top of jtag.h

The rest of it was simply search and replace stuff, which might have the rare mistake of course, but it is a two minute thing to fix any of those because of the degree of documentation in the jtag.h file.

HTH more,


The only changes I made was to remove the last usages of 'enum tap_state' outside of jtag.{c,h}.

Committed revision 1366.

As a side-note, the number of warnings during compilation is getting smaller. I'll try to fix the remainder soon.

Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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