On Jan 17, 2009, at 1:20 PM, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:

SimonQian wrote:
I've write a how-to page about using svf file.
Section 3 is about using svf player in OpenOCD based on my code.
See here: http://www.simonqian.com/en/Versaloon/how_to_run_svf_file.html
If OpenOCD will not commit it, just tell me directly.
I can remove informations about using svf in OpenOCD.

In 30 seconds of looking at the code, it does not look like it supports newlines in a command, which would be terminated by a semicolon. i.e. it
is perfectly legal for an SVF file to have new lines embedded within a
command, which is terminated finally at the semicolon possibly several
lines later.

That should be fixed before it is integrated then.

It is this kind of thing that make the maintenance considerations
important. Again, C in my opinion, it not the easiest language in which
to maintain something like this.

The choice of language has very little to do with maintainability (except for certain extreme cases for things like assembler, brainfuck, etc). The coding style, documentation (both in comments and as separate files), and experience of the author are all much larger factors. This is my opinion.

It is especially curious why this
should exist at all when as of two weeks ago there was an SVF conversion
tool in this project.

Not every user of OpenOCD will have Python 3.0 installed. A certain portion of the users will not wish to install it for any of a variety of reasons. As nothing else in the source base requires Python 3.0, it is reasonable for them to choose not to. Since the main program of OpenOCD is written in C, it is reasonable to allow an svf player written in C. It has fewer dependencies and does not require a separate step to use.


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Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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