On Dec 15, 2008, at 10:29 PM, Dirk Behme wrote:

Rick Altherr wrote:
I got a Flyswatter today to use with the BeagleBoard I got a week ago. I just did some basic tests and it appears my hardware is working. I'm going to start playing with the JTAG chain configuration and hopefully I'll have a useable config file in a few days. Does anyone know what documents I'll need for the debug interface on a Cortex-A8? Is that described in the TRM or the ARM?

Rick: Do you know



No, but it seems to cover what has previously been discussed on this mailing list.

Additionally, there is a document from TI which is not publically available but you can get it asking Jason (in CC:).

I believe this document describes the JTAG chain configuration and programming of the JRC. I still need to locate the documentation on the Cortex-A8 tap.

Jason: Do you like to share this?

Rick: I'd like to have a look to Flyswatter and BeagleBoard the next days, too. Please share your progress.

My plan is to first get the JTAG scan chain into a configuration file. Second, I'll add the JRC programming as jtag events so that the taps can be enabled and disabled via OpenOCD commands. Third, I'll start adding the Cortex-A8 target support.

All: What is the best starting point for Flyswatter & Beagle & OpenOCD? There are many mails about this at the list. Is everything already in SVN or should we pick any patches from ML?

Right now, OpenOCD has support for the Flyswatter. The SVN trunk also contains the new JTAG tap syntax and JTAG tap events. Between the two, the BeagleBoard's JTAG chain can be described and the JRC programming can be done as part of the chain configuration (i.e. 'jtag tapenable omap3530.cpu' will cause the commands to be sent that programs the JRC to have the ARM cpu tap enabled).

Cortex-A8 support is nonexistent so far. I expect large portions of the existing ARM ports to be reusable, but there is likely to be a significant amount of work to be done.

Best regards


Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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