On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 9:01 AM, Rick Altherr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I suspect that there needs to be some work to handle SRST correctly.  I
> believe we will need to store the initial state provided at tap creation so
> that it can be reset at SRST assert.  Right now if you setup correct methods
> for tapenable and tapdisable and specified the correct initial tap states,
> it should work, but if SRST is asserted, the tap states in the target will
> have reset but the tap states in OpenOCD will not have changed and suddenly
> you will start getting JTAG chain errors.  We may need to provide a way to
> have a TCL method that is called to discover the tap state.

Indeed having hooks is NEVER a bad idea. For the IcePick I think is
even depends on how
you configure the JRC(do you reset the tap to it's) original state
upon trst or not

> Comments?
> --
> Rick Altherr
> "He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it
> with him."
>  -- Unsigned
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