This patch provides an initial beaglebloard.cfg file up for inclusion/review.

1) I use it with the following configuration. and run into some problems:
I can not tun the enable_dap multiple times (note that is doesn't do anything
real strange)

2) As you see I defined "beagleboard" board. I see that this beagleboard
will be used in many places and that doesn't feel right according to DRY't_repeat_yourself

source [find interface/flyswatter.cfg]
#jtag scan chain
source [find board/beagleboard.cfg]

#disable the dap before we enable it
jtag tapdisable beagleboard.dap

proc enable_dap { } {
                puts "Enabling DAP"
                irscan 0 7
                drscan 0 8 0X89
                #irscan 0 2
                #drscan 0 32 0x81000080
                #drscan 0 32 0xa3002048
                #drscan 0 32 0x81002148
                #drscan 0 32 0xa3002148
                #sleep 10
                #jtag tapenable beagleboard.dap
                puts "Enabled DAP"
reset_config trst_and_srst

Index: src/target/board/beagleboard.cfg
--- src/target/board/beagleboard.cfg	(revision 0)
+++ src/target/board/beagleboard.cfg	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Beagle Board is an ultra-low cost, high performance, 
+# low power OMAP3 based platform designed by 
+# community members and sold by Digi-Key.
+# The OpenOCD BeagleBoard support in under development and not functional 
+# yet
+#BeagleBoard scan chain. 
+# JRC or JTAG Router Controler is the piece hardware that can dynamically 
+# add or remove Test access points to a JTAG scan chain.
+# Texas Instruments calls this feature ICEPick. ICEPick can be seen as  
+# Controller with can not only enable and disable parts of the scan chain
+# but apparently also other things (like reading the emu status bits?).
+#             JTAG
+#    TDO |            | TDI
+#        |            | 
+#   -----|------------|---------------
+#  |     |            |                |
+#  |     |         (Bypass)-IcePickTAP |
+#  |     |            |                |
+#  |  (Bypass)-----(Bypass)            |
+#   ----------------------------------
+#        |           |
+#        |           |
+#    CoreSight      DSP
+#The first item is the IcePick TAP itself. and up to 16 TAPs
+#can be added in the IcePick.
+#The Second item in the scan chain on the beagleboard the dap providing direct 
+#access to memory, the cortex8, the etm and the etb. This item is not enabled
+#by default and is attached to the third TAP on the IcePick.
+jtag newtap beagleboard jrc_icepick -irlen 6 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0x0
+jtag newtap beagleboard dap -irlen 4 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0x0
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