Spen wrote:
> Hi,
> I think its about time openocd made a release 1.0.
> I propose we create a openocd_rel_1_0 branch that will be frozen (except for
> major bugs) after a month we make a release.
> Any objections/comments?

It would be good to gather a list of devices which will be tested / confirmed 
be working with the release so that there is a list of configuration files 
are known to work and others which may or may not work if there isn't a 
developer/user willing to confirm operation of the device.

Having a release candidate and a list of devices which need testing and a basic 
set of tests which should be run on the device would help a lot. I've got a 
range of devices I can test across a number of platforms but it would be good 
avoid duplicated effort.

Has anyone got a summary list of what is known to work?

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