On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 4:07 AM, Duane Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> snip snip .. [lots of back and forth about beagle board support]
> The general idea I had is below.
> (Sorry - been quite busy for a while - and lying low)
> -Duane.
> We had an old "target syntax" - today - we have a new target syntax.
> The NEW command - recognizes & converts the old syntax to the new syntax.
> =====================
> Specifically - the command:
> Today:    jtag_device 4 0x1 0xf 0xe
> Always adds a new device to the end of the current list.
> Tomorrow, becomes a new "jtag" tcl command.
>            jtag  newtap NAME  -position N -irlength N  -expected N
> -expected-mask N
> =====================
> When converting the old syntax to the new syntax, the "NAME" is created, ie:
> Names would be something like    tapfoo0, tapfoo1, tapfoo2 ... etc.
> {If  you do not know, this is the same idea as the "tk" button, label, etc
> command}
> That "NAME" also becomes a first class command.

Hello Duane,

The kind of changes you are talking about seams very far away from
anything I could help with.
I am willing to spend some time learning TCL and such but will really
try to focus on getting
anything to run.

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