On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 11:43 PM, Øyvind Harboe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> > I agree totally with this, I think this would be a *GREAT* idea.
> So what would this mean technically?

I think that would have to evolve.  Urjtag is certainly more aimed at logic
devices (CPLD, FPGA), and OpenOcd seems more catered to processors, where
flash & eeprom chips fall in this continuum remains to be seen, it seems
both have some, but perhaps not much, support for memory devices.  I find
myself using both frequently, as CPLD's are a good compliment to ARM7's.
Perhaps some form of cooperation, or maybe all that's needed is a pointer to
eachother's documentation to make people aware of the situations when one
might be preferred.  Seperating the back-end of both projects into libs
(i.e. libopenocd & liburjtag) such that either front-end can support the
backends cleanly comes to mind.  I like the lib approach, as I can envision
a front-end that pushes all the scripts into a single command-line for
utilizing make variables without creating intermediate files.

> What about the people. Is the culture compatible?
I haven't seen anything that would make me think otherwise.  Urjtag is
headed by Kolja Waschk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with alot of help by "Arnim Läuger" <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, you might drop them a 'hello' note and see where it
leads...both projects seem to be very actively developed right now.

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