Please include a debug_level 3 log. This will tell me the origin of the error.

> And then retry.
>  > flash erase_address 0x00000000 0x00070000
> error erasing flash bank, status: 0xa2
> failed erasing sectors 0 to 6 (-902)
> Runtime error, file "?", line 1:
>    error erasing flash bank, status: 0xa2
> failed erasing sectors 0 to 6 (-902)
> In procedure 'flash' called at file "?", line 1
> In procedure 'unknown' called at file "?", line 1
> In procedure 'flash_erase_address' called at file "?", line 1
>  > flash protect 0 0 2 off
> cleared protection for sectors 0 through 2 on flash bank 0
>  > flash erase_address 0x00000000 0x00030000
> erased address 0x00000000 length 196608 in 5.485549s
> Finally.
> Now I'd like to just point out two things:
> - it's difficult to find out what to do, since the user interface
>  doesn't explain the problems (what do the error codes mean, for
>  example?)

The error codes are not part of the user interface. They are sometimes
used to communicate specific failures internally.

If you do not get a human-readable error message as the origin, then
there is  a bug in OpenOCD, as errors should be logged at the lowest
level where they are reported. Additional context is logged as the
stack is unwound.

I've committed a change that will avoid a false error message in
the case that there is a bug for error message not being
logged when writing to the target fails. Take it for a spin.

> - then there is an oddity:
>  > flash info 1
> #1: str9x at 0x00080000, size 0x00008000, buswidth 0, chipwidth 0
>        #0: 0x00000000 (0x2000 8kB) protected
>        #1: 0x00002000 (0x2000 8kB) protected
>        #2: 0x00004000 (0x2000 8kB) protected
>        #3: 0x00006000 (0x2000 8kB) protected
> str9x flash driver info
>  > flash erase_address 0x00000000 0x00030000
> erased address 0x00000000 length 196608 in 5.485549s
>  > flash info 0
> #0: str9x at 0x00000000, size 0x00080000, buswidth 0, chipwidth 0
>        #0: 0x00000000 (0x10000 64kB) protected
>        #1: 0x00010000 (0x10000 64kB) protected
>        #2: 0x00020000 (0x10000 64kB) protected
>        #3: 0x00030000 (0x10000 64kB) protected
>        #4: 0x00040000 (0x10000 64kB) protected
>        #5: 0x00050000 (0x10000 64kB) protected
>        #6: 0x00060000 (0x10000 64kB) protected
>        #7: 0x00070000 (0x10000 64kB) protected
> str9x flash driver info
> Why are those sectors still listed as protected?

You'll need to include debug_level 3 log.

I've committed some more error propagation fixes to str9x.

> Also, is the "BUG: keep_alive() was not invoked .." message really a
> bug? It also happens when I issue
> (gdb) monitor reset halt
> jtag_khz: 16
> JTAG device found: 0x04570041 (Manufacturer: 0x020, Part: 0x4570, Version: 
> 0x0)
> JTAG device found: 0x25966041 (Manufacturer: 0x020, Part: 0x5966, Version: 
> 0x2)
> JTAG device found: 0x2457f041 (Manufacturer: 0x020, Part: 0x457f, Version: 
> 0x2)
> target state: halted
> target halted in ARM state due to debug request, current mode: Supervisor
> cpsr: 0x000000d3 pc: 0x00000000
> BUG: keep_alive() was not invoked in the 1000ms timelimit. GDB alive packet 
> not sent! (1091)

The problem here is that some part of the the reset sequence takes a
long time without
keep_alive() being called. This will cause alive packets to be sent to
GDB so as to
avoid weird error messages as below.

again: debug_level 3 log will point out *where* the keep_alive() call
is missing as the
debug_level 3 log contains time for each logged statement.

> Also, if (after a restart of everything) I connect to openocd with
> "gdb someimage.elf", openocd prints:
> Info:   accepting 'gdb' connection from 0
> waiting for target halted...
> Error:  timed out while waiting for target halted
> Warning:acknowledgment received, but no packet pending
> Warning:target not halted
> Warning:target not halted
> Is this error serious?


Øyvind Harboe
ARM7 ARM9 XScale Cortex
JTAG debugger and flash programmer
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