-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> I believe this would be a better solution.
> Why not
> (1) rename the orginal ".cfg" file I submitted to:   
>        olimex-jtag-tiny-windows-libftd2xxcfg
> (2) create another one - appropriately named...
> Not sure what that name might be .... but for example:
>        olimex-jtag-tiny-linux-libusb.cfg
> (3) And of course - cut/paste snippits of Dominic's email into the cfg 
> file as comment.

We would end up with quite a few config files. The FT2232 is used in many 
devices, all of which would need a WIN+FTD2XX and a *NIX+libftdi (I've got to 
think a bit more if there are differences between *nix+libftdi and *nix+FTD2XX 
- in that case we'd have a third alternative...).

Any way - I'm fine with either of the options.


Dominic Rath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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