
I've some questions about openmeetings in connection with different
moodle-installations. I have installations of openmeetings (1.8, 1.9 and
2.0) for different moodle-sites. Particularly I am interested in how to
manage conference-recordings of openmeetings. The goal is to have one
openmeetings installation (2.+) for different moodle-sites. My specific
questions are:

1. What can I do, to see as an moodle-teacher only the recordings I've
made? The openmeetingsModuleKey seems to have no effect.
2. How are the recordings playable offline? Is it possible to manage (to
export or to delete) these recordings directly with in openmeetings?
3. How or where can I find the recordings? What means in that case the ID
in the ./streams folder?
4. Can moodle users and moodle courses be assigned to certain
organizations by the webservice? How can the user groups from various
moodle systems be managed in openmeetings?
5. How can I migrate (export and import) recordings from old existing
openmeetings installations (1.8 and 1.9) to a new clean 2.0 openmeetings

And last but not least:
When will the next version of openmeetings (2.1) expected?

Thank you for your help,

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