It does not work. Same error.

I would prefer your help on bulk uploads. I will put files in the stream
folder in flv format.Would appreciate your inputs for table changes as an
alternative for now.


On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 1:52 PM, <> wrote:

> do uploads of AVI or MOV files work for you?
> Also you have to look at the openmeetings/red5 log to see the real issue.
> Sebastian
> 2012/10/13 RM P <>
>> Hi Sebastian,
>> Thanks for the feedback. With both client (fileupload.lzx) and server
>> changes file upload completes and fails in convertToFLV process with below
>> error -
>> *n this case after upload i get following errors -
>> Name: exitValue
>> Value: -1
>> Name: exception
>> Value: java.lang.NullPointerException
>> Name: error
>> Value: null
>> Name: process
>> Value: convertToFLV
>> Name: exitValue
>> Value: 0
>> Name: command
>> Value:
>> Name: completeName
>> Value:
>> F:\OM2.0\dist_3Oct\red5\webapps\afflatusmeet\uploadtemp\files\aca809addf8be08b5b0f324aa66db34c
>> Name: error
>> Value:
>> Name: fileExplorerItemId
>> Value: 100
>> Name: process
>> Value: *
>> thanks,
>> Manohar
>> On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 5:03 PM, <
>>> wrote:
>>> And the server side file extensions are stored in:
>>> org.apache.openmeetings.utils.StoredFile
>>> Line 50
>>>     private static final Set<String> videoExtensions = new
>>> HashSet<String>(
>>>             Arrays.asList(new String[] { "avi", "mov", "flv", "mp4" }));
>>> Sebastian
>>> 2012/10/12 <>
>>> Hi Manohar,
>>>> what files in the client did you modify so far?
>>>> Sebastian
>>>> 2012/10/12 RM P <>
>>>>> HI Sebastian,
>>>>> I could do the changes for the client and not really figure out
>>>>> changes required for server. can you please help. I have currently added
>>>>> Audio with wma and wav extensions in client.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Manohar
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 6:57 PM, RM P <> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Sebastian.
>>>>>> > if FFMPEG can convert it to FLV then it should be possible.
>>>>>> *in this case after upload i get following errors -
>>>>>> Name: exitValue
>>>>>> Value: -1
>>>>>> Name: exception
>>>>>> Value: java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>>> Name: error
>>>>>> Value: null
>>>>>> Name: process
>>>>>> Value: convertToFLV
>>>>>> Name: exitValue
>>>>>> Value: 0
>>>>>> Name: command
>>>>>> Value:
>>>>>> Name: completeName
>>>>>> Value:
>>>>>> F:\OM2.0\dist_3Oct\red5\webapps\afflatusmeet\uploadtemp\files\aca809addf8be08b5b0f324aa66db34c
>>>>>> Name: error
>>>>>> Value:
>>>>>> Name: fileExplorerItemId
>>>>>> Value: 100
>>>>>> Name: process
>>>>>> Value: *
>>>>>> > But you need to add it to the client and server side file extension
>>>>>> filter.
>>>>>> > Those are hardcoded and you need to compile from source to modify
>>>>>> it.
>>>>>> can you please tell which files to modify. Will do it and compile and
>>>>>> see if it works.
>>>>>> Also would be great if you can suggest way to do bulk upload of the
>>>>>> files. I kind of know the folders where to put files. However i believe 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> mapping of file names and  uploaded files is in database. If you could
>>>>>> pointers on database tables which hold this information, I would prefer 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> upload files to server folders and update tables instead of doing  manual
>>>>>> uploads one at a time.
>>>>>> Appreciate your reply sir.
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 12:55 PM, <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi Manohar,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > if FFMPEG can convert it to FLV then it should be possible.
>>>>>> > But you need to add it to the client and server side file extension
>>>>>> filter.
>>>>>> > Those are hardcoded and you need to compile from source to modify
>>>>>> it.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Sebastian
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 2012/10/11 RM P <>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Hello,
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> I  would appreciate your reply on following query -
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> currently cannot upload windows media audio files with file upload
>>>>>> >> option. Had coverted wma file to flv and tried uploading. It exits
>>>>>> >> with java exception. Is there any way to upload wma files for
>>>>>> sharing.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> thanks,
>>>>>> >> Manohar
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > --
>>>>>> > Sebastian Wagner
>>>>>> >!/dead_lock
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> Sebastian Wagner
>>> --
>>> Sebastian Wagner
> --
> Sebastian Wagner

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