I'm sorry, but I don't understand what your response means... Can you be more specific?
LG. From: seba.wag...@gmail.com [mailto:seba.wag...@gmail.com] Sent: terça-feira, 9 de Outubro de 2012 12:11 To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org Subject: Re: Error in openmeetings log when using chat. Hi Luis, this is just a log that has a wrong log type. There is no exception here. Sebastian 2012/10/9 Luis Guerra <luis.gue...@ipbeja.pt> Hi! I have an error on openmeetings log every time a user writes a message on the chat window. The message is displayed, but still for every message an error is created. The error log is growing fast! This is an example of an error message: --- ERROR 10-08 12:23:40.470 ChatService.java 1918852 292 org.openmeetings.app.remote.ChatService [NioProcessor-2] - resultReceived ChatService Service: null Method: sendVarsToMessageWithClient Num Params: 1 0: {message=[chat, 12:23, newtextmessage, null, test, 12506367, b51d9614857aa23fcd77fc2410040f35, false, null, [[Ljava.lang.String;@33ad173e]], client=org.openmeetings.app.conference.session.RoomClient@725b29e0 StreamId: 0 isScreenClient: false flvRecordingId: null screenPublishStarted: false flvRecordingMetaDataId: null isRecOrding: false isAVClient: false broadCastID: 0 avsettings: av} --- Any idea how to solve this? Been searching the web for days, to no avail. Thanks in advance, Luis Guerra. -- Sebastian Wagner https://twitter.com/#!/dead_lock http://www.webbase-design.de http://www.wagner-sebastian.com seba.wag...@gmail.com