Daniela Kirsch <dkir...@excelsystems.com> wrote:
>Hi everybody, > >we have installed the latest 2.0 release and wanted to use the method >addRoomWithModerationQuestionsAudioTypeAndHideOptions. But all I get as a >result is this: > >The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is >/openmeetings/services/RoomService/addRoomWithModerationQuestionsAudioTypeAndHideOptions?SID=ab16a617dcdba0dfe2cf8e524c09a87f&name=test_om2&roomtypes_id=1&comment=test+om2&numberOfPartizipants=2&ispublic=false&appointment=false&isDemoRoom=false&demoTime=&isModeratedRoom=true&allowUserQuestions=true&isAudioOnly=&hideTopBar=true&hideChat=true&hideActivitiesAndActions=true&hideFilesExplorer=true&hideActionsMenu=true&hideScreenSharing=true&hideWhiteboard=false > and the WSA Action = null. If this EPR was previously reachable, please >contact the server administrator. > > >It sounds like it is not available. When I go to >/openmeetings/services/RoomService?wsdl the method is not listed. >We also tried a nightly built from September 12th. Still no success. Is there >a setting to have this available or something else we have to do to use it? > >Thanks, >Daniela