Look at something like no-ip.com, where you can attach a domain to a dynamic address. they have a free version

On 2012-09-28 15:07, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:

Ours is an enterprise set-up, so we can obviously do things that a
home or small
business user can't.  So, for example, we have OM running in a VMware
machine. Using NAT and port forwarding in our firewall router, we're easily
able to send OM meeting requests from out in the world.  Anyway, ...

The 192.168.x.x addy on your XP box is known as a non-routable address; the outside world couldn't use it. Your ISP must have provided you with an
external IP address.  It might be static, but I suspect it's dynamic,
in which
case you may have a problem. But, in any case, you need to configure your router such that any incoming traffic on port 5080 (or whatever your OM is
using) is routed to the machine on which OM runs.


On Friday 28 September 2012 3:13:39 pm David Takle wrote:
Your comment raises a lot of questions for me.
First, are you using a laptop/desktop for your server? If so, how did you
get a domain name for it?
Second, using 'ipconfig' on my XP, I got a 192.168.x.x address that worked fine from my 2nd computer. Was that only because it is on the same side of the modem? Would that address not work for the rest of the world to use?

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Dimitri Yioulos
> I've found that you need to log into OM with the FQDN of your OM server
> (e.g.
> http://openmeetings.mydomain.tld:5080/openmeetings). At first, I was
> using the
> internal address of the OM server, so my invitees were instructed to go
> to the
> meeting at http://192.168.x.x<meeting_id>. Clearly, that didn't work.
>  Others
> may know of another way to accomplish what you're after.
> Dimitri
> On Friday 28 September 2012 2:56:08 pm David Takle wrote:
> > The Derby DB went nutso on me, so I started over with MySQL.
> > Things are working nicely now.
> > However, when I send out an email invite, it says "localhost" which
> > means nothing to the recipient.
> > How do I send my IP address in the email?
> >
> > Further, how do I get the IP address of my PC when it goes through a > > wireless router? If I go to a website that provides my IP address, it
> gives
> > the address of my router, not the PC. If I substitute that IP address > > in the email invitation, it does not connect to OpenMeetings because
> > the router does not recognize the request.
> >
> > ~David
> --
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