Hello Bilgin,

I see no translation attached to your e-mail.
Can you please create JIRA issue at
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS and attach translation
to it.

2012/9/6 bilgin yazar <bilginya...@hotmail.com>

>  Hi All
> Turkish Localization is attached.
> It was performed by ETGi Grup by Bilgin Yazar & Mehmet Karalar
> BR
> Bilgin Yazar
> Genel Müdür  | President
> ETGI Grup | M:+90 555 448 53 85 | bilginya...@etgigrup.com
> T:+90 (312) 344 88 83 | F: +90 (312) 344 88 84 | http://www.etgigrup.com
> A: Necatibey Mah. Mazi (Kastamonu) Sokak No:17/5
> 06250 Ulus Altındag ANKARA TURKEY

Maxim aka solomax

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