Thanks Jakub,

I've been pretty busy recently with the UK Ops so not had any time to
look at any of this for a couple of weeks, sorry about that, things are
calming down now so I will give this a test hopefully tomorrow and
provide you with some feedback.

Best Regards

Stephen Cottham
Group IT Manager (Associate)

Robert Bird Group
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jakub 'q84_fH' Skory [] 
Sent: 03 September 2012 09:15
Subject: Re: Debian package

it took me some time, but I finally prepared script to make Debian
packages. It build 'debs' from scratch and save them in /usr/adm/deb.
If deb/ directory exist in script working directory the building step is
omitted and these packages are installed by apt-get instead of
time-consuming compilation.

It still needs some work, but generally works. I tested it on lastest
stable Debian release.

TODO is:
 - properly describe dependencies in packages meta-data - currently all 
   of them are simply pushed as ukw-openmeetings dependencies,
 - these packages are still not created by-the-book
   (by-the-Debian-book :D), they should follow Debian guides before they
   can be submitted to official Debian repositories.

Any sugestions welcome!

The script is based on great work by Stephen Cottham. In fact I just
done some cleaning and adjusted it to use with 'checkinstall'. 

Deb packages for amd64 architecture can be found here:
Jakub 'q84fh' Skory <> (e-mail/jabber)             ()
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