Hi everyone, I posted about this a while ago and have since found some more about input handling with the OpenMeetings remote control. Basically, my problem is that when a user is remotely controlling another user's screen through OpenMeetings, if the remote-controlling user presses the spacebar or enter key, keyboard input to the remote screen stops working. The mouse will still work, but no keys pressed will register on the other user's computer.
It looks like screen remote control within the Flash application is handled by the OpenLaszlo file singlewebapp/WebContent/swf10/screensharing/screenSharingDialog.lzx, and there are a number of rules to address discrepancies in keycodes between systems, but there appear to be no specific rules in that file governing the spacebar or enter key. I can see that events fire when a key is pressed (keydown) and released (keyup), so my guess at what's going wrong is that there's something about the keyup event that causes it to react badly to the use of the space and enter keys so that it shuts down the keycode processing system entirely. Does anyone who's familiar with the screenSharingDialog.lzx file know what could be happening? Also, has anyone else had problems with the spacebar and enter key stopping keyboard input while remote-controlling another user's screen? If something on my system is causing this, I'd really like to know what it is. Any help is appreciated, thanks, Andrew