Thanks Maxim!

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Maxim Solodovnik <>wrote:

> Not yet
> They are in the stack (as JIRA issues) and waiting for a volunteer to fix
> it :)
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 11:49 PM, Daniel Ascher <>wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> Are these changes now in the process of being made?
>> Thanks.
>> Dan
>> On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 12:35 AM, George Kirkham 
>> <>wrote:
>>> To restate the possible changes suggested by Donald (and include a
>>> fourth suggestion);****
>>> ** **
>>> **1)      **Have it that by default Users always have the ability to
>>> zoom their Whiteboard (since “it only affects each person's screen not
>>> the group”)
>>> ****
>>> **2)      **The abilities to “Clear whiteboard” (whiteboard tool),
>>>  “change pages/slides” (Properties window), and  “clear the chat window”
>>> (Chat window) will be *Moderator* only permissions.
>>> ****
>>> **3)      **Giving Users “Draw on the Whiteboard” permissions will give
>>> them the ability to use the “Undo” tool, but not the “Clear whiteboard”
>>> tool.  They would get access to the properties window for changing fonts,
>>> colours and sizes but *not* for changing slides/pages.
>>> ****
>>> **4)      **The ability to scroll the whiteboard -  *As user scrolling
>>> affects all users, is it possible to have users able to scroll only their
>>> own Whitebaord, but moderators scroll everyone’s Whiteboard ?  *This
>>> solution seems the best if it is not too hard to code.  If so the users
>>> could have scroll and zoom ability by default as both these two abilities
>>> would only affect their own whiteboard. ****
>>> ** **
>>> Please read and review the above changes, and let us know if there are
>>> any issues that could arise if these changes are implemented. ****
>>> ** **
>>> Thanks,****
>>> ** **
>>> George Kirkham****
>>> ** **
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* Donald Grothoff []
>>> *Sent:* Friday, 20 July 2012 8:31 AM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Some changes for students and others****
>>> ** **
>>> AS I work through Openmeetings I see these things that I believe should
>>> be changed:****
>>> 1. I want to give the participants the ability to write on board but I
>>> think the X option should not be there for the participants because it
>>> wipes out the modertator stuff too.****
>>> ** **
>>> 2. The direction arrows for the white board presentations should only be
>>> there for the moderator or optional to turn on for the participants because
>>> they can then move through the presentation and interrupt the moderator?
>>> ****
>>> ** **
>>> 3. Participants should not be allowed to clear chats, that should be a
>>> option of the moderator especially everyones chats****
>>> ** **
>>> Question: If I have not chatted with a participant - How do I do the
>>> first chat with them?****
>>> ** **
>>> Thanks****
>>> Don
>>> ****
>>> ** **
>>> -- ****
>>> Donald Grothoff****
>>> EFT Practitioner****
>>> EFT Tapping Charlotte <>
>>> Office: 704-557-0045****
>>> Cell: 704-562-1630****
>>> ** **
>>> *EFT* *- The Almost Perfect Solution* ****
>>> ** **
>>> *Glorify who you are today, do not condemn who you*****
>>> *were yesterday, and dream of who you can be tomorrow.*****
>>> ** **
>> --
>> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
>> President
>> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
>> "Creating Bright Futures"
>> 505 York Road, Suite 6
>> Jenkintown, PA 19046
>> Office: 215.886.9188
>> Direct: 267.242.9640
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
"Creating Bright Futures"

505 York Road, Suite 6
Jenkintown, PA 19046
Office: 215.886.9188
Direct: 267.242.9640

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