
I had a bunch of issues when first installing OM on Linux. My issue ended
up being having OpenJDK installed instead of Sun Java. The first 2 steps on
my wiki page show at least what worked for me on Fedora:


On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 6:10 PM, George Kirkham <>wrote:

> Sascha,
> As Alexei requested, it would be useful if you could provide further
> information about what OS you are using, where you got Openmeeting from
> (i.e. what version), and what instructions you followed to build your OM
> server.
> If this is possible for you, and it may mean some rework but my
> recommendation is to start with a clean build of Ubuntu 12 and follow the
> Ubuntu install method from
>  use the Ubuntu "Installing OM2.x On Ubuntu64 - Headless.pdf (Unbuntu
> 12.04) - Updated 22/7/2012" documentation.
> I would recommend that you use version 2.0 as per the Ubuntu instructions
> If you want you can use the documentation as a guide to check your
> installation.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sascha Manns []
> Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2012 5:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Installationproblem on Linux
> Hello Listmates,
> i'm a bloody beginner in using Openmeetings, and i've downloaded the
> Tarball, and followed this Tutorial:
> So after ./ i'm getting:
> Maybe anyone knows what happend? JAVA isn't my strength yet.
> --
> Sincerly yours
> Sascha Manns
> Community & Support Agent /
> Balsam Plasma Active Developer open-slx GmbH Web (business):
> Web (private):

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