MS Article you have mention states:
The Windows NT Resource Kit provides two utilities that allow you to create
a Windows NT user-defined service for Windows NT applications and some
16-bit applications *(but not for batch files). *

So I'm afraid it is not suitable.
My only try on windows was based on this**
also (but it was about a year ago)

We are using
Red5 1.0 RC3 rev 4388

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 2:55 AM, Seth Galitzer <> wrote:

> I should mention that this is what I used to get 1.9 to run as a service:
> What version of Red5 is shipped with OM 2.0?
> Seth
> On 07/30/2012 02:45 PM, Seth Galitzer wrote:
>> I tried using instsrv and servany (per
>> but it didn't work. I end up
>> seeing "Error Missing" in the browser window. It also doesn't kill the
>> java process correctly when stopping the service. I'm not usually a
>> windows guy, but I've been testing OM on the same hardware as Connect to
>> make an honest comparison. If I can make this work, it would be great.
>> Thanks.
>> Seth
>> On 07/30/2012 01:49 PM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
>>> Alexey told me there is an option in windows to create service out of
>>> any .bat file. (Not sure use Windows only for development from time to
>>> time)
>>> Did set up wrapper for 1.5+ long time ago, sorry :(
>>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:45 AM, Seth Galitzer <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> First of all, kudos to OM devs for getting 2.0 out the door. I'm
>>> really liking the improvements so far and look forward to how things
>>> progress. I can't wait to replace my production Connect server with OM.
>>> I've been testing 1.9 on Windows Server 2003, using the NT Wrapper
>>> to install red5 as a service. 2.0 doesn't seem to like this setup,
>>> or perhaps I need to adjust the wrapper config. I can start the
>>> red5 service manually, but I'd like to run it as a system service.
>>> Any advice on how to do this with 2.0?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Seth
>>> --
>>> Seth Galitzer
>>> Systems Coordinator
>>> Computing and Information Sciences
>>> Kansas State University
>>> <>
>>> 785-532-7790
>>> --
>>> WBR
>>> Maxim aka solomax
> --
> Seth Galitzer
> Systems Coordinator
> Computing and Information Sciences
> Kansas State University
> 785-532-7790

Maxim aka solomax

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