Yeah for sure.


From: [] 
Sent: 26 July 2012 21:22
Subject: Re: Apache OpenMeetings 2.0 Incubating released


Just think it would be a good idea.

Sent from my HTC smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint!

Stephen Cottham
Group IT Manager (Associate)

Robert Bird Group
Level 5, 333 Ann St
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----- Reply message -----
From: "Stephen Cottham" <>
To: <>, 
Subject: Apache OpenMeetings 2.0 Incubating released
Date: Thu, Jul 26, 2012 4:20 pm


Hey Steve,


Im working on an install script for OM at the moment, should have something for 
testing next week – (It kinda takes some of the fun out of building you own OM 
but I can see there is a need for it)






Stephen Cottham
Group IT Manager (Associate)

Robert Bird Group
Level 5, 333 Ann St
Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia

Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)

Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)

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From: Steve Baumgartner [] 
Sent: 26 July 2012 17:46
Subject: RE: Apache OpenMeetings 2.0 Incubating released


How about a script for dumby’s section for sip intergration?

Also like to see the whole install wrapped into a script.


Steve Baumgartner


SMB Computers


M +1 614 743 3166 

Grove City, Ohio, USA


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From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 5:04 AM
Subject: Apache OpenMeetings 2.0 Incubating released


We are happy to announce Version 2.0 of Apache OpenMeetings Incubating!

This is our first release as Apache project and there have been major changes 
almost everywhere in the application.

Restyled UI The UI has been refactored to have a common look and feel. 
Additionally most of the icons are now loaded at runtime. That means you can 
change colors and icons at runtime without changing the source code. More info: 

New Calendar The calendar was completely refactored and got a new UI that was 
built from scratch that also adds some new functions. For example it is 
possible now to password protect invitations sent via the calendar. Further the 
timezone handling has been refactored and there is now also a SOAP/REST API to 
handle calendar Events ( 
<>  )

Integration with Asterisk The application contains now modules to directly 
integrate OpenMeetings with Asterisk for SIP/VoIP integration. It enables you 
to dial in as well as dial out of conference room to SIP or ordinary phones. 
More info: 

Install/Backup/Import via command line Additionally to the Web-Interface you 
can now do all basic operations via console. Just cd to your OpenMeetings 
installation directory and type “admin” (or ./ and you will see all 
the options available (OpenMeetings service should be shut down while doing 
those operations)

Using SWF10 for Video Components All audio/video related components now use 
SWF10 for broadcasting and receiving audio and video signals. That makes it 
possible to use for example the echo cancellation feature build in the SWF10 
Flash Player.

There are a lot more improvements for example to recording, screen sharing and 
new layout options. To see the full list please review our Release Notes for 
Version 2.0:

There are also new Integration Plugins in the pipe!

Integration into Atlassian Jira There is a plugin in our SVN that will be 
released soon for integration with Atlassian Jira, you can watch a demo here:

Integration into Atlassian Confluence Same for Atlassian Confluence Wiki, you 
can watch a demo here: 

Important Changes OpenOffice service does not need to be running as permanent 
service. But you have to set the path to OpenOffice (or LibreOffice) and 
JODConverter tools in OpenMeetings configuration. OpenMeetings (and 
JODConverter) will start and stop the OpenOffice service when they need it.

Upgrading from Version 1.9 or prior To update from an old version of 
OpenMeetings to 2.x you should use the integrated Backup and Import tool that 
exists since around Version 1.3. You should follow our documentation, see: 

Downloads of sources and binaries are available from the mirrors linked here:

All downloads can be verified using the Apache OpenMeetings code signing KEYS 
<>  .. 

Sebastian Wagner


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