When I try to use the startup script as /etc/init.d/red5 start  I get
this message

> judget@openmeeting:/etc/init.d$ sudo /etc/init.d/red5 start
> start-stop-daemon: --start needs --exec or --startas
> Try 'start-stop-daemon --help' for more information.

This is using Ubuntu 10.04


Tom Judge Ubuntu Head

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On Tue, 2012-07-17 at 00:08 +1000, Stephen Cottham wrote:
> HI All,
> Guide has been updated with the following changes:
> 1)      Java install is using a single wget with auto accepting cookie
> – no two step procedure now… nice and simple
> 2)      Fixed issues with symbols being converted when copying and
> pasting
> 3)      Fixed text wrapping so each command is seen as a single line
> 4)      Various changes to the structure
> Please let me know if this has now resolved the troubles seen
> yesterday.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/27838216/Installing+OM2.x+On+Ubuntu64+-+Headless.pdf?version=7&modificationDate=1342447291239
> Best Regards
> Stephen Cottham
> Group IT Manager (Associate)
> Robert Bird Group
> Level 5, 333 Ann St
> Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia
> Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)
> Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)
> Fax: +6173 319 2799
> Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)
> Mobile:  +447900 918 616 (UK)
> Web: www.robertbird.com
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