Hey Steve,


Can you go to this address (Change <yourserverIP> with your OM server IP \  




And login and report back what the debug windows says when you try to start a 


Best Regards




From: st...@smbcomputers.net [mailto:st...@smbcomputers.net] 
Sent: 16 July 2012 17:33
To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Webcam


So, I had tried the video portion on my last install and on the new one the 
video for the webcams are black and no audio option in the drop downs. I tried 
on 3 different computers. Camera and audio work in Skype.

Sent from my HTC smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint!

Stephen Cottham
Group IT Manager (Associate)

Robert Bird Group
Level 5, 333 Ann St
Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia
Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)
Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)
Fax: +6173 319 2799
Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)
Mobile: +447900 918 616 (UK)
Web: www.robertbird.com

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----- Reply message -----
From: "Stephen Cottham" <stephen.cott...@robertbird.com.au>
To: <openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org>
Subject: Ubuntu Install Guide Update
Date: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 11:12 am


Hi Steve,


Its working from here on IE an Mozilla, what browser are you using?


Maybe right mouse button and choose save as…







I can send it directly to you if you want.






From: st...@smbcomputers.net [mailto:st...@smbcomputers.net] 
Sent: 16 July 2012 16:06
To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org; 
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Install Guide Update


I can't get the link to load. 

Sent from my HTC smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Reply message -----
From: "Stephen Cottham" <stephen.cott...@robertbird.com.au>
To: <openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org>
Subject: Ubuntu Install Guide Update
Date: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 10:08 am


HI All,


Guide has been updated with the following changes:


1)      Java install is using a single wget with auto accepting cookie – no two 
step procedure now… nice and simple

2)      Fixed issues with symbols being converted when copying and pasting

3)      Fixed text wrapping so each command is seen as a single line

4)      Various changes to the structure


Please let me know if this has now resolved the troubles seen yesterday.




Best Regards





Stephen Cottham
Group IT Manager (Associate)

Robert Bird Group
Level 5, 333 Ann St
Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia

Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)

Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)

Fax: +6173 319 2799


Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)

Mobile:  +447900 918 616 (UK)

Web: www.robertbird.com <http://www.robertbird.com/> 


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