

I don’t know if spaces in directory and file names is a problem with red5 or 
with Openmeetings, I guess the developers will comment later.


Due to the pain they have caused me, I very  much I dislike spaces being used 
in directory and file names.  I recommend to people never to use spaces in 
directories and file names, unless absolutely necessary.


I had to smile when I noticed that Vista and Windows 7 changed “C:\Documents 
and Settings” to “C:\Users”, but “C:\Program Files” continues to exist with a 
space in the directory name.


To overcome issues with programs that do not like spaces, I usually create a 
folder called “C:\Programs” and put my programs in this directory. 


However this does not answer or address the issue that you raised, so hopefully 
someone will be able to give you answer.




George Kirkham




From: Robert Chalmers [] 
Sent: Sunday, 15 July 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Can we have fully quoted PATH strings please in the code?


Fine naming conventions these days determine that spaces are allowed in path 
names. On almost every platform. Can we have this in openmeetings too please?

For example - Windows is notorious for path names like "C:\Program 
Files\program xxx", or even user created paths like "F:\My Websites"


If I install OM into a directory like "F:\My Websites\Domain Name\red5" ... it 
simply wont work. It breaks on the first "<blank>" between "My" and "Websites"


I have enough trouble setting the PATH variable for old-convention software, 
that have to have the old 8.3 names, like "C:\Program~1\" name. Ok, there are a 
few in my path, but surely this is something that the OM code itself shouldn't 
have to worry about. Quoted paths have been around for years now. Even like 
"C:\Program%20Files\"  do it.


I really hate having to have every thing hanging off the C:\ (or F:\) 
directory. ie; C:\red5.


It's not only a problem for Windows users, but it's nice to have open names on 
Unix too, which I am pretty familiar with as well.



It makes for very untidy coding areas.



hope we can see some joy on this.


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