Tom, You will find the documentation here as Vital said, however there are still some updates that need to be made to this documentation due to recent changes to OpenMeetings and issues with SWFtools. Stephen is intending to update the documentation that me wrote earlier this year, and hopefully to update this web page as well.
George. You'll find everything here Greetings, Vital, > -----Message d'origine----- > De : Tom Judge [] Envoyé : vendredi 13 > juillet 2012 17:42 À : > Objet : RE: Order manuals and tutorials > > Did i miss something? Do we have any current accurate user documentation? > All i found so far was on the google site for a much older version. > > "V. Trizna" <> wrote: > > >Hello Alvaro, > > > >I think the manuals page must be completely changed because it is imo > >a > mess. > >Firstly I don't see the reason to have two pages 'Tutorials related > >to > Openmeetings' and 'Manuals user OpenMeetings various'. > > > >I think we must have only one page called 'Tutorials' or 'Manuals' > >(no need > to say it is related to Openmeetings, I think it is obvious.) and > completely delete 'Manuals user OpenMeetings various'. > >On that page we put all the manuals and tutorials grouped by > >languages as > you said. > >I don't think the graphic on the page is necessary because it doesn't > >add > anything and it is not up to date. > > > >Greetings, > > > >Vital, > > > >-----Message d'origine----- > >De : greenes [] Envoyé : jeudi 12 juillet > >2012 > >18:46 À : > >Objet : Order manuals and tutorials > > > >Hi Vital, > > > >It would be nice and make it easier for users to distinguish the > >languages > when put together manuals in english, as well as the manuals in french > with a space between languages. This is in the wiki page called > Manuals user OpenMeetings Various. > > > >Similarly it would be desirable to keep together the tutorials > >regarding > Windows in the page called Tutorials related to OpenMeetings, all > trying to facilitate the search of users. > > > >What do you think about? > > > >Thanks > > > >Alvaro