Thanks for your answer Vital,

The graphic it is update 13-7-2012.

Personally when i do something about OpenMeetings
think users they are starting, those are who need help.

Thanks newlly



El vie, 13-07-2012 a las 09:15 +0200, V. Trizna escribió:
> Hello Alvaro,
> I think the manuals page must be completely changed because it is imo a mess.
> Firstly I don't see the reason to have two pages 'Tutorials related to 
> Openmeetings' and 'Manuals user OpenMeetings various'.
> I think we must have only one page called 'Tutorials' or 'Manuals' (no need 
> to say it is related to Openmeetings, I think it is obvious.) and completely 
> delete 'Manuals user OpenMeetings various'.
> On that page we put all the manuals and tutorials grouped by languages as you 
> said.
> I don't think the graphic on the page is necessary because it doesn't add 
> anything and it is not up to date.
> Greetings,
> Vital,
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : greenes [] 
> Envoyé : jeudi 12 juillet 2012 18:46
> À :
> Objet : Order manuals and tutorials
> Hi Vital,
> It would be nice and make it easier for users to distinguish the languages 
> ​​when put together manuals in english, as well as the manuals in french with 
> a space between languages. This is in the wiki page called Manuals user 
> OpenMeetings Various.
> Similarly it would be desirable to keep together the tutorials regarding 
> Windows in the page called Tutorials related to OpenMeetings, all trying to 
> facilitate the search of users.
> What do you think about?
> Thanks
> Alvaro

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