1)      Is there an easy way to either disable the dashboard, or to have
users log straight into the "Rooms" window ?

2)      I believe someone was working out how to increase the size of
the "connect to OpenMeetings" progress bar, if you have worked out which
settings and which file, please let me know.  I have found that this
progress bar is now just a thin line, is this the same for others or is
it just in my configuration? I would prefer a much wider bar as it is a
visual clue to uses not to panic while they wait for OpenMeetings to
load. People tend to want things to be instantaneous. 


3)      I would also like to have the text for the non-selected rooms to
be in normal font colour, and not greyed out text, as most windows
applications use grey text to show a disabled feature.  The different
colour for the tab is good enough to show that this tab is not the
currently selected tab, but the text should be the same colour/darkness
as the selected tabs.   I found that I could control the colour for the
non-selected tab's text using
red5/webapps/openmeetings/default-theme.xml. Hopefull this does not
adversely affect any other settings, from my tests so far all is OK.

       <color name="menuTextColor" value="0x000000" 

                            description="color of text for menus" />


       <color name="menuTextDisabledColor" value="0x000000" 

                           description="color of text for menus" /> 


If others believe that any of these are worthwhile changes for
OpenMeetings in general, please let me know and I could create a JIRA


The attached images show the affect of my above change to







George Kirkham


You don't need to compile from source just to edit the templates.

See: http://incubator.apache.org/openmeetings/EditTemplates.html

For instructions how to change the .vm files in a compiled binary of


The color of the progress bar is the new theme XML file:



The color for the loading bar is the config key: styleMenuBarBaseColor
in the XML file.

There is no need to recompile if you just change the theme. Just maybe
clear your browser cache.


If you want to change the width/height/behaviour of the loading bar you
need to modify the source and compile:



(autoloaderBarOnly is shown if the user access the application with a





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