Hi Stephen, 2012/5/22 Stephen Cottham <stephen.cott...@robertbird.com.au> > > Which guide did you use? (They was both updated again yesterday)
Debian 6.0 guide. I had problems earlier in the guide exactly where corrections were made. On the server already running the OM 1.88. Now disabled. > 1) What was the compile error? did you have the correct version of Ant? I use correct Ant (1.83). I had the same problem with some libraries that have been classified as deprecated. I'll try again and inform you. > 2) I'm not sure what you mean here, the full path is given in the guide > "/usr/lib/red5/webapps/openmeetings/jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4/lib" did > that not work for you? This link is OK. Commented that the installation screen suggests another general link. > 3) I just checked both PDF's online I cant see the space on the mysql DB > creation, perhaps you downloaded the original version before they was > updated. (This was noted by Brian Mullan a few days ago which prompted the > first update) No. In two guides (Debian and Ubuntu) no space in "...openmeetings.* TO...". > 4) I have added the compile steps back to both Documents for ffmpeg on the > last update so that was the correct way. I did the steps. But he showed videos on whiteboard with black screen and did not convert the recordings. I retraced the same steps and it worked. It did not error any of the times. > > Hopefully I have all the changes now and its a working document from > beginning to end for new users, let me know if not and I'll make any changes. I could not test the script to the / etc/init.d/red5. I suggest you remove the elements of text formatting and line breaks allow very clear. When copying and pasting problems can happen. The part of the reverse proxy and SSL I have not tested too. I think the installation is still very difficult for those beginners. I think this should be made explicit at the beginning of the text and should have a summary of what each step on the first page. (install linux, download the main packages, download packages auxiliary building the core of OM, build text converters, image and PDF converters, video converters, etc ...) Thanks.