...sorry, and the exclusion OpenOffice


El lun, 21-05-2012 a las 15:10 +0000, Gary Franklin escribió:
> Stephen,
> Would you happen to know if these instructions coincide with the steps
> greenes used to build the VM?
> Thanks!
> Gary
> From: Stephen Cottham [mailto:stephen.cott...@robertbird.com.au] 
> Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 7:09 AM
> To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: <Ext> RE: Step by Step build instructions (Updates)
> Hi All,
> Ubuntu and Debian guides have been updated and uploaded here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENMEETINGS/Tutorials
> +related+to+OpenMeetings
> "Installing OM2.x On Debian64 - Headless.pdf (Debian Squeeze)"
> and
> "Installing OM2.x On Ubuntu64 - Headless.pdf (Unbuntu 12.04)"
> Best Regards
> Stephen Cottham
> Group IT Manager (Associate)
> Robert Bird Group
> Level 5, 333 Ann St
> Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia
> Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)
> Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)
> Fax: +6173 319 2799
> Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)
> Mobile:  +447900 918 616 (UK)
> Web:www.robertbird.com
> This email and any attachments are confidential and may contain
> legally privileged information or copyright material. Unless expressly
> stated, confidentiality and/or legal privilege is not intended to be
> waived by the sending of this email. The contents of this email,
> including any attachments, are intended solely for the use of the
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> intended recipient, please contact us immediately by return email and
> then delete both messages. You may not otherwise read, forward, copy,
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> accepts any liability for any consequential damage resulting from this
> email containing computer viruses.
> Disclaimer added by CodeTwo Exchange Rules
> www.codetwo.com
> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: Stephen Cottham
> Sent: Mon 21/05/2012 08:48
> To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Step by Step build instructions
> Nice one, will get that over to you tomorrow mate.
> Cheers
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 20 May 2012, at 23:29, "brian mullan" <bmullan.m...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>         Stephen
>         Thanks.   Your guide was great!
>         I was just trying to help from the ubuntu side of things and
>         also to point out that at least when downloading and
>         installing the Oracle OpenOffice from its new site on
>         Apache... at least for Ubuntu ... it installs it
>         into /usr/lib/libreoffice and not /usr/lib/openoffice.
>         See the new Apache download site for OpenOffice:
>         http://www.openoffice.org/download/
>         If you create an Ubuntu appendix or a separate PDF let me know
>         and I'll use it to install from scratch and see how it goes.
>         thanks again
>         Brian
>         On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Stephen Cottham
>         <stephen.cott...@robertbird.com.au> wrote:
>         Hey Brian,
>         I installed a test Dev box earlier to make sure the open
>         office location is correct; based on a pure Debian 64 install
>         by following the PDF guide the location in the start-up script
>         is correct for Debian as is the headless flag, however the
>         MySQL DB creation line does need correction in the original
>         document as pointed out.
>         I have now started an Ubuntu guide which I will incorporate
>         into the Debian guide highlighting the differences between
>         them to make it easier for both users types, I'll also add
>         some variables to the start-up script to make changing the
>         Open Office location for both variants easier- (you will just
>         need to comment out the one you don't have etc..)
>         The guide I wrote was an attempt at a start to finish Debian
>         64 step by step Install + OM 2.X with all dependencies aimed
>         at fresh installs and new users that wanted to get this up and
>         running quickly so if you have any other comments or changes
>         that will make it easier\clearer to follow please feel free to
>         let me know.
>         Best Regards
>         ______________________________________________________________
>         From: Stephen Cottham
>         [mailto:stephen.cott...@robertbird.com.au]
>         Sent: Sun 20/05/2012 22:10
>         To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
>         Cc: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
>         Subject: Re: Step by Step build instructions
>         Hi Brian, 
>         Thanks for the feedback, there is an update coming that will
>         address these changes and some others wrt the build process
>         and the new rtmps screens sharing, I'll have to check the
>         debian vs Ubuntu as the guide was used on Thursday by a
>         colleague that successfully ran on Debian 64 bit, either way
>         I'll confirm and update accordingly and note any differences
>         for Ubuntu users ) because there are a few).
>         I'll upload it tommorow.
>         Sent from my iPhone
>         On 20 May 2012, at 13:00, "brian mullan"
>         <bmullan.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 Stephen
>                 I am very new to OpenMeetings and want to thank you
>                 for your PDF guide.   Although it is written for
>                 Debian and I
>                 use Ubuntu, yesterday when I tried following the guide
>                 I found one error and a couple other items I wanted to
>                 mention.
>                 in /etc/init.d/red5
>                 the script still refers to:  openoffice
>                 I think that should change for both debian/ubuntu
>                 because Oracle recently has donated Openoffice back to
>                 Apache.
>                 If you install Openoffice now... it basically installs
>                 much of "libreoffice" and it installs it into
>                 a /usr/lib/libreoffice/ directory
>                 not /usr/lib/openoffice as in the
>                 PDF's /etc/init.d/red5 configuration.   Perhaps this
>                 should be changed to accomodate
>                 the way the Apache OpenOffice now installs?
>                 The easy fix to /etc/init.d/red5 was just to change
>                 line referencing openoffice to:
>                        /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice "-
>                 Then there is one possible difference from Debian and
>                 Ubuntu
>                 again in /etc/init.d/red5   (this is for Ubuntu
>                 12.04... not sure if same for Debian)
>                 the use of a single "-" in front or the "headless" and
>                 "nodefault" options
>                 has been deprecated so those two options now require a
>                 double-dash"--" instead of the single dash
>                 One error I found in the PDF was in the In the section
>                 where it describes creating the Mysql database it
>                 says:
>                 Now issue these: (Assuming username openmeeting and
>                 password = password)
>                 CREATE DATABASE openmeetings DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
>                 'utf8';
>                 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openmeetings. * TO
>                 'openmeetings'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'
>                 WITH GRANT OPTION;
>                 quit
>                 NOTE:  the section I highlighted in YELLOW... there is
>                 a SPACE between the . and the *
>                               I didn't notice that at first but had
>                 done a copy & paste into my own SQL configuration
>                               which caused one of the failures I
>                 experienced.   Perhaps you should remove that space
>                               so anyone else doing cut & paste doesn't
>                 experience that also.
>                 On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Stephen Cottham
>                 <stephen.cott...@robertbird.com.au> wrote:
>                 Hi All,
>                 Please find attached a compressed PDF that has a step
>                 by step guide showing the following:
>                 1)     Installing Debian 64 Base System
>                 2)     Installing all required Dependencies
>                 3)     Compiling latest OM 2.x
>                 4)     Installing the Built OM 2.x
>                 5)     Configuring basic paths
>                 6)     Installing SSL Certificates – both generated
>                 and wild card
>                 7)     Install and setup of Apache for use as a
>                 reverse proxy and re-write for both HTTP and HTTPS
>                 Hopefully some new users may find it helpful.
>                 Best Regards
>                 Stephen Cottham
>                 Group IT Manager (Associate)
>                 Robert Bird Group
>                 Level 5, 333 Ann St
>                 Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia
>                 Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)
>                 Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)
>                 Fax: +6173 319 2799
>                 Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)
>                 Mobile:  +447900 918 616 (UK)
>                 Web:www.robertbird.com
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>         Stephen Cottham
>         Group IT Manager (Associate)
>         Robert Bird Group
>         Level 5, 333 Ann St
>         Brisbane, Queensland, 4000, Australia
>         Phone: +6173 319 2777 (AUS)
>         Phone: +44207 592 8000 (UK)
>         Fax: +6173 319 2799
>         Mobile:  +61400 756 963 (AUS)
>         Mobile:  +447900 918 616 (UK)
>         Web:www.robertbird.com
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