AWS private/public IP is not an issue.
Please check you have all necessary ports opened and DB installed/running.

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 10:10 AM, bmullan <> wrote:

> Sebastian
> I am new to OpenMeetings but like Alexander I am trying install OM2 on
> Amazon's (AWS) EC2 cloud.
> Like Alexander ...  I can get everything installed but OpenMeetings is NOT
> reachable from the internet.
> You may not be familiar with AWS but when you launch a Server on AWS EC2
> it gets 2 IP addresses, and a PUBLIC DNS name.
> There is a PUBLIC IP address that can connect to the server from the
> internet.
> However, there is also a PRIVATE IP address that is INTERNAL to the AWS
> cloud and NOT reachable by the internet.
> my example server:
> *Public DNS:*
> *Private DNS: ip-10-76-175-149.ec2.internal*
> *Private IP Address:*
> Any application trying to reach my server across the internet would point
> their URL to the PUBLIC DNS (which by the way the 23-23-198-151 is also the
> PUBLIC IP just substitute DOTS for the DASHS)
> An application on the internet could NOT access the Private DNS 
> *ip-10-76-175-149.ec2.internal
> (or as that is internal to the AWS cloud only
> *However, ANY application *running ON that server* which is set to use
> either LOCALHOST -or- the PUBLIC DNS -or- the PUBLIC IP ... will
> automatically be redirected by the AWS Cloud virtualzation itself to the
> PRIVATE INTERNAL IP Address.... which is NOT reachable by the Internet.*
> For example if I am logged into that openmeetings server and I ping its
> PUBLIC DNS I will really be
> pinging ... the internal private IP.
> Therefore my OpenMeeting server (and I assume xander's) is NOT reachable
> from the internet the way OpenMeetings is configured and I get this screen
> when attempting to access it.  It stays at this message forever.  Yes, I
> have checked mysql password, userID and host and they are all correct.
> ***
> *
> *
> *OpenMeetings - Loading ...*
> * The server is not yet completely initialized. Please try again in a
> couple of seconds.*
> * If this message persists for several minutes contact your
> Sys-Administration.*
> * If that message stays forever you should check the logs located in *
> *openmeetings_install_dir/log*
> folder, probably your database user/pwd/host is wrong!
> I have also tried changing "hostname" in these files:*
> *
>    - */etc/init.d/red5*
>    - *
>    /usr/lib/red5/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml
>    *
>    - *and in the mysql openmeetings database *
> to the PUBLIC IP address of the AWS server and restarted everything and I
> still end up with the above message... waiting forever.
> So although I can reach something on the AWS Openmeetings server... there
> is something in the application configuration that is not communicating
> correctly in the AWS cloud environment.
> *
> *Any ideas or other configuration items I should be checking?
> Brian Mullan*
> *
> On Saturday, July 2, 2011 3:40:38 AM UTC-4, Sebastian Wagner wrote:
>> Hi Alexander,
>> the installation on EC2 is not really different from installing
>> OpenMeetings on any other dedicated server.
>> You can simply use the normal Installation Instructions.
>> The Automatic Install Script is also not that up-to-date with the
>> latest version of OpenMeetings.
>> But why this line of the script:
>> Done!! open the website at your browser: http://$(ifconfig eth0 |grep
>> "inet addr:" |cut -d : -f 2 |cut -f1 -d" "):5080/openmeetings/install
>> Does not return your IP ... I mean you know what IP / domain you got,
>> why not simply enter that address?
>> Sebastian
>> 2011/7/1 Xander Dumaine <>:
>> > I created an instance on Amazon EC2 server running Debian 5.0. I used
>> > the automated script install found here:
>> >**openmeetings/wiki/Automatic_**
>> script_installation_for_Debian<>
>> >
>> > the installation says it was successfull, but I am unable to use the
>> > url it provided to me at the end of install, and also unable to use
>> > the dynamic url provided by amazon. Can anyone help me to figure out
>> > how to resolve this issue? If it is a setting I need to change, can
>> > you help me with that? Thanks,
>> > Xander
>> >
>> > --
>> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups "OpenMeetings User" group.
>> > To post to this group, send email to openmeetings-user@**
>> <>.
>> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> openmeetings-user+unsubscribe@**<>
>> .
>> > For more options, visit this group at**
>> group/openmeetings-user?hl=en<>
>> .
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Sebastian Wagner
>> http://openmeetings.** <>
>> http://www.wagner-sebastian.**com <>
> On Saturday, July 2, 2011 3:40:38 AM UTC-4, Sebastian Wagner wrote:
>> Hi Alexander,
>> the installation on EC2 is not really different from installing
>> OpenMeetings on any other dedicated server.
>> You can simply use the normal Installation Instructions.
>> The Automatic Install Script is also not that up-to-date with the
>> latest version of OpenMeetings.
>> But why this line of the script:
>> Done!! open the website at your browser: http://$(ifconfig eth0 |grep
>> "inet addr:" |cut -d : -f 2 |cut -f1 -d" "):5080/openmeetings/install
>> Does not return your IP ... I mean you know what IP / domain you got,
>> why not simply enter that address?
>> Sebastian
>> 2011/7/1 Xander Dumaine <>:
>> > I created an instance on Amazon EC2 server running Debian 5.0. I used
>> > the automated script install found here:
>> >**openmeetings/wiki/Automatic_**
>> script_installation_for_Debian<>
>> >
>> > the installation says it was successfull, but I am unable to use the
>> > url it provided to me at the end of install, and also unable to use
>> > the dynamic url provided by amazon. Can anyone help me to figure out
>> > how to resolve this issue? If it is a setting I need to change, can
>> > you help me with that? Thanks,
>> > Xander
>> >
>> > --
>> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups "OpenMeetings User" group.
>> > To post to this group, send email to openmeetings-user@**
>> <>.
>> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> openmeetings-user+unsubscribe@**<>
>> .
>> > For more options, visit this group at**
>> group/openmeetings-user?hl=en<>
>> .
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Sebastian Wagner
>> http://openmeetings.** <>
>> http://www.wagner-sebastian.**com <>

Maxim aka solomax

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